Outage and reconfiguration news about ACCESS integrated RP resources and ACCESS' online services

OR update an existing news item by clicking on the Subject below.
Subject Type When Affected Infrastructure
ACCESS XDMoD Downtime Outage Partial
ACCESS Metrics on Demand Service (XDMoD)
ACES Partial Availability, April 22-26 Reconfiguration
Texas A&M University Accelerated Computing for Emerging Sciences (ACES) Cluster
Delta compute and login nodes to be rebooted Outage Full
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
NCSA Delta /scratch file system exhibiting intermittent availability and performance issues Degraded
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
Ookami has two new NVIDIA Grace CPUs (144 cores each) Reconfiguration
IACS at Stony Brook Ookami
Bridges-2 Maintenance Friday April 12 Outage Full
PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (Bridges-2 RM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU (Bridges-2 GPU)
PSC Bridges-2 Extreme Memory (Bridges-2 EM)
Delta Post-Maintenance Status Update Outage Partial
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
Ticket System (JSM) Issues with creating issues and transitions Outage Partial
ACCESS Ticket System (JSM or RT)
Delta Projects file system maintenance Thursday March 14th, 2024 Outage Partial
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
Bridges-2 Maintenance Wednesday March 13, 2024 Outage Full
PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (Bridges-2 RM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU (Bridges-2 GPU)
PSC Bridges-2 Extreme Memory (Bridges-2 EM)
PSC Bridges-2 Storage (Bridges-2 Ocean)
Anvil Cluster Maintenance Outage Full
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
Bridges-2 Maintenance Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Outage Full
PSC Bridges-2 Storage (Bridges-2 Ocean)
PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (Bridges-2 RM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU (Bridges-2 GPU)
PSC Bridges-2 Extreme Memory (Bridges-2 EM)
Kerberos Outage Outage Full
ACCESS Kerberos Authentication Service
ACCESS Ticket System degraded Feb. 28, 2024 through Mar. 1, 2024 Outage Partial
ACCESS Ticket System (JSM or RT)
Anvil SLURM intermittent issues - Issue isolated, Outage resolved Outage Partial
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
SDSC Expanse maintenance, 8AM-4PM (PT), Monday, 02/12/2024 [Completed] Outage Full
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
SDSC Expanse Project Storage
Anvil Scheduled Maintenance Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 Outage Full
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
ACES Scheduled Reconfiguration/Partial Outage Feb 5-15, 2024 Reconfiguration
Texas A&M University Accelerated Computing for Emerging Sciences (ACES) Cluster
Delta Notice: Delta maintenance 01-23-2024 - 01-25-2024 Reconfiguration
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
Georgia Tech Hive Gateway Scheduled Downtime Outage Full
GaTech Hive Cluster
ACCESS XDMoD Scheduled Downtime Outage Full
ACCESS Metrics on Demand Service (XDMoD)
ACCESS XDMoD Scheduled Downtime Outage Full
ACCESS Metrics on Demand Service (XDMoD)
Bridges-2 Outage December 19-20 Outage Full
PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (Bridges-2 RM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU (Bridges-2 GPU)
PSC Bridges-2 Extreme Memory (Bridges-2 EM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU-AI (Bridges-2 GPU Artificial Intelligence)
PSC Bridges-2 Storage (Bridges-2 Ocean)
SDSC Expanse Maintenance 7AM-Midnight (PT), Monday, Dec 18, 2023 [Completed] Outage Full
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
SDSC Expanse Project Storage
ACCESS XDMoD Scheduled Downtime Outage Partial
ACCESS Metrics on Demand Service (XDMoD)
ACCESS Web Login Partial Outage October 31, 2023 Outage Partial
ACCESS Identity Management Service
Anvil Unplanned Outage Outage Full
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
Delta /projects file system temporarily unavailable Outage Partial
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
Delta maintenance 10-04-2023 Outage Full
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
SDSC Expanse NFS server issues [resolved] Outage Full
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
SDSC Expanse Project Storage
SDSC Expanse: Home directory server and login issues [Resolved] Outage Full
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
Jira Service Management ticketing system is non-responsive Outage Full
ACCESS Ticket System (JSM or RT)
Jira Service Management ticketing system is non-responsive Outage Full
ACCESS Ticket System (JSM or RT)
Delta projects file system maintenance 09-14-2023 Outage Partial
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
Anvil Unplanned Outage Outage Full
Purdue Anvil CPU
DUO authentication slowness or failure August 21, 2023 Outage Partial
ACCESS Identity Management Service
SDSC Expanse Maintenance, 7AM-Midnight (PT), August 14, 2023 Outage Full
SDSC Expanse Project Storage
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
RESOLVED -- 8/13/2023 Network outage upstream from Jetstream2 Outage Full
Indiana Jetstream2
Indiana Jetstream2 GPU
Indiana Jetstream2 Large Memory
Indiana Jetstream2 Storage
8/8/2023 3:56pm ET - IU Bloomington power event affecting Jetstream2 services Outage Partial
Indiana Jetstream2
Indiana Jetstream2 GPU
Indiana Jetstream2 Large Memory
Indiana Jetstream2 Storage
ACCESS User Identity and OAuth Client Registry Planned Maintenance July 1, 2023 Outage Full
ACCESS User Identity and OAuth Client Registry
NCSA Delta Resource Power Outage Event Outage Full
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
Jetstream2 / Jetstream2 GPU / Jetstream2 Large Memory Power Outage Outage Full
Indiana Jetstream2
Indiana Jetstream2 GPU
Indiana Jetstream2 Large Memory
Indiana Jetstream2 Storage
NCSA Delta Resource Power Outage Outage Full
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)
Anvil Cluster Maintenance Outage Full
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
ACCESS Ticket System Outage Full
ACCESS Ticket System (JSM or RT)
Anvil Storage Restored Outage Partial
Purdue Anvil CPU
Purdue Anvil GPU
SDSC Expanse Maintenance May 8-9, 2023 Outage Full
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
Bridges-2 Maintenance Wednesday April 26, 2023 Outage Full
PSC Bridges-2 Extreme Memory (Bridges-2 EM)
PSC Bridges-2 GPU (Bridges-2 GPU)
PSC Bridges-2 Regular Memory (Bridges-2 RM)
PSC Bridges-2 Storage (Bridges-2 Ocean)
SDSC Expanse system status update Reconfiguration
SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse)
SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU)
Delta maintenance Wednesday April 19th, 2023 Outage Full
NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU)
NCSA Delta GPU (Delta GPU)
NCSA Delta Storage (Delta Storage)