Indiana Jetstream2 GPU
Resource Type
Latest Status
Jetstream2 GPU is a hybrid-cloud platform that provides flexible, on-demand, programmable cyberinfrastructure tools ranging from interactive virtual machine services to a variety of infrastructure and orchestration services for research and education. This particular portion of the resource is allocated separately from the primary resource and contains 360 NVIDIA A100 GPUs -- 4 GPUs per node, 128 AMD Milan cores, and 512gb RAM connected by 100gbps ethernet to the spine.
User Guide URL
Is an ACCESS Allocated Production Cloud resource
Cloud Resource
GPU use is the main purpose of this resource
Resource is allocated by ACCESS
Support for Science Gateways
Resource supports community accounts for science gateways
Resource support hosting of science gateway databases
Resource support hosting of science gateway data collections
Resource supports virtual hosting of science gateway services
Resource supports virtual hosting of science gateway web interface
Agency supercomputers and advanced architecture systems
Available to NAIRR Classroom proposals
Resource supports visualization
NSF ACSS Category 1 Resources
GPU-based computation
NAIRR Pilot (Classroom)
NAIRR Pilot (Research)
Organization Name
Indiana University
Global Resource ID