Operations API Overview

The ACCESS Operations API provides information about ACCESS integrated infrastructure in a software consumable format. ACCESS resource providers, ACCESS projects, and other ACCESS community developers can use these APIs to dynamically discover and display infrastructure information, and to access that infrastructure.

API Access and Help

  • Most of the API is currently public. In the future we will require self-service registration so that we can track who is accessing the APIs.
  • The Operations API is available at: https://operations-api.access-ci.org/
  • Please report bugs, questions, suggest improvements, or inform us that you are using the API in production by creating an Integration and Operations Request here.

Information Types and Plans

Currently available

  • Compute, Storage, and Cloud resource descriptions
  • Infrastructure outages and significant configuration change news

Coming in 2023

  • Online (central) Service descriptions
  • ACCESS integrated Science Gateway descriptions
  • Infrastructure integration (roadmaps) and software news
  • Compute cluster scheduler configuration and queued or running jobs
  • Compute cluster software modules
  • Compute, storage, and cloud resource edge services, like login/SSH, Globus Connect Server, Open OnDemand portal, etc.

Expected in the future

  • Cloud resource VM images
  • Shared data collections
  • ACCESS integrated instruments
  • Monitored resource or service status
  • Descriptiosn for any new and novel infrastructure integrated into AC